TaCoS conference
May 22-24, 2025
Ruhr University Bochum

We look forward to seeing you!

Ruhr-Universität Bochum

Previous TaCoS conferences

See the chronicles

What is the TaCoS?

The Tagung der Computerlinguistik-Studierenden (TaCoS) was first organized in 1992 and takes place once every year. It offers students of computational linguistics and adjacent fields a chance to exchange views during talks and workshops. The conference is hosted by teams of student volunteers at their university. Participants traditionally receive accommodation and breakfast in exchange for a small fee. At the center of the conference stand talks, workshops, and poster sessions; each given by students for students. Established academics from the host university are invited as keynote speakers as well. In addition, there is a social program for everyone to connect and network.
This year marks the 34. TaCoS and our team at Ruhr University in Bochum is proud to host the event very soon!

Recent News

  • So it begins...

    We've begun organizing the 34th TaCoS conference! Check back here for updates.

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Meet the team!


Ilka Plesse



Sergei Tsetsadze

Vice Chair


Mariia Neguliaeva


Jakob Schuster


Oleksandra Yazdanfar


Conny Ziegs


Carina Zander

More Information

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    Have a Question? Many answers can be found right here in our FAQs

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Contact Us

Want to reach out to us? Or apply for a scholarship? We will gladly answer any questions you have regarding the conference! Just send us an email to tacosconference2025@lists.rub.de